Catalog Requests

Please Note: Although the prices on the Duckling & Gosling Price List pages have been updated, the online catalog has not yet been updated to reflect prices and availability in the 2019 hatching season.  Email or call with questions.


YOUR REQUESTS FOR OUR FREE CATALOG may be made via USPS mail, phone or e-mail.  You can also check out our catalog online.  Our new catalog comes out in January of each year. 


        Mailing address: Holderread Waterfowl Farm

                               P.O. Box 492

                               Corvallis, OR  97339 


Phone:  1-541-929-5338


E-mail:  duckgoosefarm at gmail dot com (Note:   We are using this format so spam bots are unable to use this address. When using this address, use normal format.) 


White Sebastopols Resting Under
Ponderosa Pines




Copyright 2007 Holderread Waterfowl Farm & Preservation Center